
Frequently Asked Questions

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Data Scientists As A Service

We help you make better data driven decisions

Welcome to NOD, a cutting-edge Web Data Scientists As A Service platform, specifically designed to cater to companies seeking comprehensive historical data analysis and accurate predictions. With NOD, businesses gain access to a team of expert data scientists equipped with state-of-the-art AI/ML algorithms, ready to unlock valuable insights from your historical data repositories. Whether it’s sales forecasting, customer behavior analysis, or demand prediction, our skilled data scientists will work collaboratively with your team to provide data-driven solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Say goodbye to the complexities of data analysis, as NOD simplifies the process and empowers your company to make well-informed decisions. Embrace the power of data-driven strategies and elevate your business to new heights with NOD’s seamless and reliable Data Scientists As A Service.

What's the cost of NOD?

We have different plans the most basic starts at €1,000 per month.

Does NOD charges any extra commission?


Is my data safe with NOD?

Yes, your data is safe.

DDoS Protection: We implemented Cloudflare, which has robust distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack mitigation features. It helps protect the website against large-scale DDoS attacks by absorbing and filtering malicious traffic before it reaches the server. This ensures your site remains accessible even during DDoS attacks.

Web Application Firewall (WAF): Cloudflare’s WAF helps protect the website against vulnerabilities and common web application attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). It applies sets of security rules and filters incoming requests to block malicious traffic and protect the application from exploitation.

Content Delivery Network (CDN): Cloudflare operates a global network of servers that cache and deliver static content from the location closest to the visitors of your site. This improves page loading times and reduces the load on the origin server, enhancing overall performance and user experience.

SSL/TLS Encryption: We have installed an SSL/TLS certificate on the domain and support secure HTTPS connections. By encrypting the traffic between users and the NOD server, we protect sensitive information from interception and ensure data integrity.

Bot Mitigation: We also use advanced techniques for detecting and mitigating bots to identify and block malicious bots and automated attacks. This helps protect NOD’s resources, prevents content scraping, and enhances overall security.

Analytics and Insights: We are continually analyzing website traffic, security events, and performance to gain valuable insights into the site’s performance and security.

In which countries is NOD present?

We are located in Portugal but we have customers worldwide.

What kind of data can I put on the platform?

You can preferably send us data in ‘csv’ format. The more information the better. After we receive you data we’ll schedule an onboarding one-to-one conference call for clarifications.

Can NOD sell my data?

Never! It’s agreed that we will never sell our customer’s data.

How does your privacy policy work?

Click in this link to know more.

How does your plans work?

In all our pans you will be paired with a highly qualified Ph.D. Data Scientist, readily available to cater to a wide range of tasks, including AI model creation, data cleaning, data source integration, conducting data science audits, and offering expert advice on AI and industry best practices. Consider them an invaluable extension of your team, seamlessly integrating into your existing collaboration platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and instant messaging. With the freedom to schedule calls at your convenience, it’s akin to having a dedicated data scientist on your team, without incurring any additional costs or overheads. Experience the advantage of this tailored partnership and unlock new dimensions of data-driven success!